
We’ve helped countless New Yorker’s convert their living spaces into homes. With years of experience working with condo, co-ops, and management companies as well as small town planning boards, we navigates our clients through the complex world of residential design and construction.  We focus on designing spaces and structures to match our customers’ individual needs while allowing for “loose-fit” architecture throughout the design process. Previous projects include 1) small apartment interior layout changes to include 2) navigating wet-over-dry regulations for mid and high-rise buildings. We’ve also been 3) Awarded several NYC LPC (Landmarks Preservation Commission) Approvals and 4) Created some fantastic domestic oasis’ in NYC and at the below locations! 

To ensure our client’s privacy we can provide photos on request. 

Uptown, Manhattan

Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Tribeca, New York

The Hamptons


Puerto Rico